CS Ph.D. Candidate at Georgia Tech
Email: gverma@gatech.edu
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I am a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. My research focuses on robust and efficient vision-language learning , while addressing problems that impact safety , equity , and well-being . I am advised by Prof. Srijan Kumar.
My research interests include: large {vision-language/language} models, multimodal deep learning, natural language processing, and computational social science. At Georgia Tech, I also collaborate closely with Prof. Munmun De Choudhury. I am honored to be supported by the JP Morgan AI PhD Fellowship and Snap Research Fellowship. Here's my [ 📄 CV (pdf)]
Prior to Georgia Tech, I worked at Adobe Research ('18-'20), where I contributed to content generation technologies like #ProjectSnippets. During my doctoral studies, I have been a Research Intern at JPMorgan AI Research ('24), Microsoft Research ('23), and Adobe Research ('22). I completed my undergraduate studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur ('14-'18), where I worked with Prof. Tanaya Guha on learning modality-independent representations for affective analysis and retrieval of multimedia.
Outside of Computer Science, I also collaborate with Public Policy scholars to study the influence of AI technologies on Public Values and leveraging Generative AI to accelerate Science, Technology, and Policy research.
Recent awards and honors:
• JP Morgan AI Research Ph.D. Fellow (2023)
• Snap Research Fellow (2022)
• College of Computing Rising Star Doctoral Student Research Award (2022)
• Adobe Research Ph.D. Fellowship Finalist (2022)
• Work covered in TechCrunch, Forbes, Scientific American, The World, ...
• AAAI ICWSM-2021 Best Reviewer Award
• Best Paper Runner-up Award at WISE 2021
Academic Service:
Area Chair: ACL ARR (Multimodality and Language Grounding; Feb 2025 onwards)
Journal Reviewing: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Conference Reviewing (most iterations between 2021-2024): AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, ACL ARR, NeurIPS (Ethics reviewer), FAccT, CHI (💐 2023: Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews), COLM, KDD, TheWebConf, ICWSM (2021: 💐 2021: Best Reviewer Award)